PACS & Imaging Workstation


Innovative Picture Archiving & Communication System

With our SIMPLEX HIMES software, you also get the advantage of having a powerful integrated PACS system. It will make your functioning compliant with the advanced DICOM 3.0 directives. Your infrastructure will stay connected to all the modalities of DICOM like XA, MR, CR, US, CT and more.

One can easily complete reviewing DICOM images by integrating the Zero Footprint Web DICOM Viewer. Our PACS feature is a DICOM Viewer that is web-enabled to identify, archive, and share medical images. You will have access to a wide range of measurement tools along with a manageable navigation interface. It will ease the functioning of Radiologists. We have developed this software in a way that it can also scale up as a Teleradiology platform, if required.


Apart from managing and storing medical images, you can also have the following features:

  • C-STORE, C-FIND, C-GET and C-MOVE support;
  • Implicit Little Endian, Explicit Little Endian;
  • JPEG, JPEG-LS, JPEG 2000, RLE, MPEG-2;
  • MPEG-4 Transfer Syntaxes supported;
  • DICOM ECG file support;
  • DICOM MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 Video playback support;
  • Study forwarding to another PACS nodes or workstations


Some attributes that make our SIMPLEX HIMES DICOM Viewer special:

  • Regular tools: zoom, pan, windowing, magnifier, etc.;
  • Cine playback of multi-frame sequences;
  • Wide variety of measurements: distance, angle, density (HU), etc.;
  • Reference lines (Scout Lines);
  • Comfortable bar for series preview with thumbnails

Our PACS Viewer also has a cutting-edge 3D option, which will remove all complexities from the Reconstruction technique. It will create a 3-dimensional visual structure from multiple 2-dimensional images. This provides the physicians with a clear and alternative view of the initial images. They can configure the reconstruction according to techniques like MIP or MPR.

The software feature will also allow you to quantify the volume by applying Simpson’s Approximation Rule. The 2D image will be rotated around a fitting axis to create a 3D form, and volume is calculated.

SIMPLEX HIMES PACS solution also enables the user to measure VTI or Velocity Time Integral through the US approaches. It will help you in monitoring the Doppler flow profile.